Tuesday, June 15, 2010

peppermint love

take 1 tsp dried peppermint leaves or 1 peppermint teabag
lovingly add 1 cup boiling water
allow to infuse 3-5 mins
remove leaf/bag
add 2-3 tbsp (yes TABLEspoons) sugar
= liquid sunshine.

love penelope.

Sunday, June 13, 2010


... this is why Me and Home Internet should never have met.

i've been sitting here, window open, slowly chilling like a toad going into hibernation at the bottom of a pond, crossing and recrossing my legs to alternate the pins and needles, looking and clicking and not writing the essay that was due a week ago tomorrow, dressed like an american cheerleader in summer in a room i can see my own breath in, so paralytic with shivers i can barely move, for the last five hours (minus one-hour Masterchef and curry-making interlude). this is why i need to be a hermit with a parrot on my shoulder and a beard. this is why i need to live in small hut at the end of the earth, at least until next week. gawd.

meanwhile, there's this daffodil growing in a pot on my windowsill. it only sprouts at night when it thinks i'm not looking. it's so cute, i think it's trying to surprise me with some flowers one morning soon.